World Alzheimer’s Month

World Alzheimer’s Month

Every September, there’s an international campaign to raise awareness for, and challenge the stigma that surrounds, dementia. More specifically, Alzheimer’s disease. September is World Alzheimer’s Month. History of World Alzheimer’s Month World Alzheimer’s Month began back in 2012, in order to unite the globe under one cause. The awareness month brings together world leaders, people […]

Your Life Story

Your Life Story

You have had years of experiences, decades of memories, and probably have one grand story to tell. Unfortunately, quite frequently, those stories are lost to time. Preserving your memories can be a gift that many don’t consider, but would love to have. We’ve put together some different ideas for preserving your story for your future […]

The Downsides to Living Alone

The Downsides to Living Alone

More and more seniors are choosing to live in senior living communities. Why? Because living alone in your senior years can be a daunting thing, for not only your physical health and social health, but also for your mental health. Health Risks of Living Alone One of the biggest risks of living alone is falling. […]

What Makes a Good Retirement?

What Makes a Good Retirement

It’s here! Your retirement. You have worked your whole life and now you’re ready for some relaxation, fun, and spending time with family and friends. But, it’s a lot to take in. What makes a good retirement? We have the answer for you! Facts Let’s begin with some facts: Did you know that nearly one-third […]

5 Unique Senior Spring Activities

7 Products to Make the Lives of Seniors Easier

Spring is in the air. This is the best time of year to get outside and do something before the heat of the summer takes over. If you’re one of the people that likes to take advantage of spring, then you probably already have the regular activities covered, like: gardening, a trip to a park, […]

National Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Many people don’t realize the importance of mental health. Lots of people discuss the benefits of diet and exercise, which can affect mental health to some degree, but are mainly focused on physical health. The health of the mind, mental health, is often overlooked. This is unfortunate because […]

Bonaventure Makes Retirement Better

Bonaventure Makes Retirement Better

Your retirement is a special time in your life. It’s time to relax, experience new things, and have lots of fun. It’s time to do whatever you want to do. For some people, however, living in a house can make retirement more of a burden than a gift. Housework, yard work, numerous bills, lack of […]

Effectively Downsizing

Effectively Downsizing

Deciding to move out of your home and into a senior living community can be a difficult decision. Not only do you have to look for a new place to move, but you then have to decide what to do with all the stuff you’ve amassed over the years. Downsizing doesn’t have to be difficult. […]

How to Avoid Scams

How to Avoid Scams

While it may seem unbelievable to some, there are many seniors out there that become the victim of scammers. Some have even been taken for thousands of dollars. In total, research has shown that about $36 billion are scammed from seniors each year. Scammers are very good at what they do, and they use senior’s […]

Senior Isolation

Senior Isolation

Did you know that more than 40% of those age 65 or older have reported feeling alone on a regular basis? Senior isolation is a condition that can affect senior’s mental and physical health. It can lead to serious issues. What’s more, this condition can easily be avoided or remedied. What is it? Senior isolation […]

The 2018 Bonaventure Gift Guide

The 2018 Bonaventure Gift Guide

Buying a gift for your loved one can be a difficult process. Figuring out what they want, if it’s available, and if it’s affordable can be enough to drive you mad during the holiday season. Then do that for everyone on your Christmas list and it’s enough to induce a sense of panic that can […]

7 Apps For Seniors

7 Apps For Seniors

With more and more seniors using smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets, app developers are creating very useful, simple apps that can make the lives of seniors easier. Below you’ll find a list of innovative apps that seniors can download for either free or relatively cheap. The apps will be split into both Android phones and […]

Get the Most From Your Retirement

Get the Most From Your Retirement

Retirement is defined as the action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work. However, if you know anything about retirement then you know it is so much more than simply ceasing to work. Retirement is a special period in your life where you are suddenly graced with the time to do what […]

When is it Time to Give Up the Keys?

Time to Give Up the Keys

Time to Give Up the Keys? Driving gives a sense of freedom. It allows you to go wherever you want without having to worry about how you’ll get there. Unfortunately, as we age our senses can diminish, making driving rather unsafe. So when is it time to stop driving? Unusual Driving Indicators When you drive […]

10 Summertime Activities for Seniors

10 Summertime Activities for Seniors

Fun Summertime Activities Even though the summer may be getting close to being over, there’s still plenty of time for every senior to take part in some fun summertime activities. These are not your everyday summertime activities. This list is something a little more unexpected, for those with an adventurous spirit. Outdoor Summer Movies A […]

6 Ways Seniors Can Save Money

6 Ways Seniors Can Save Money

Tips to Save Money for Seniors Everyone likes to save money when they can. But it becomes even more important to save money in your senior years. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your retirement, not stress about finances. Sometimes that can mean being frugal in certain areas of your finances so […]

Life at a Bonaventure Senior Living Community

Life at a Bonaventure Senior Living Community

Google defines the word ‘retirement’ as “The action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.” Well, it’s official, you’re retired. So why are you still working? Sure, you may have left the daily grind of the 9-5, but you’re still doing all the work around the house. It’s a lot, and to […]

Why You Should Tour a Senior Living Community

Why You Should Tour a Senior Living Community

Should I Tour a Senior Living Community? The decision to move from your home into a senior living community may be a difficult one, but the difficulties can be eased by doing one simple thing: taking a tour. A tour is important no matter what type of senior living you’re looking for: independent living, assisted […]

What is Retirement Perfected?

Retirement Perfected

Your Retirement Perfected When it comes time to consider retiring, and you’re thinking about making a senior living community your home, why would you settle for the mundane? Isn’t it better to seek out a senior living community that offers a life full of possibilities? After all, you retire from work, not from life. At Bonaventure […]

How Social Media Can Benefit Senior’s Lives

How Social Media Can Benefit Senior’s Lives

62% of Seniors Are Using Social Media A 2016 study by the Pew Research Center concluded that 62% of seniors age 65 and older are using Facebook. That number is expected to continue to rise as seniors are the fastest growing demographic on social media sites, especially Facebook. Retirement allows seniors to have the time to enjoy […]

Spring Volunteering: An Exercise for the Soul

Senior Volunteer Assisted Living Retirement Independent Memory Care

Volunteering Has So Many Benefits Can there be anything more selfless than volunteering? Now that the temperature is getting warmer and the sun is shining for longer, it’s the perfect time to consider volunteering. Volunteering can help provide a meaningful and rewarding experience for both the one doing the volunteering and the one receiving the […]

5 Springtime Activities Seniors Enjoy

Senior enjoy

Spring is a beautiful time that typically allows people to spend more time outdoors. The issue can be, although, what to do? We’ve come up with five great activities for seniors to enjoy this springtime. Activities Number 1 –Picnicking There’s something about spring that just begs for a picnic. Planning for a picnic is a […]

When Seasonal Allergies Attack

Allergies attack

Allergies and Seniors Anyone that suffers from allergies knows that the beauty of spring is often overshadowed by itchy, watery eyes, running or stuffy noses, congestion, and constant sneezing. While the symptoms of allergies may vary from person to person, one thing is clear: Seniors tend to suffer a little bit more than most. How […]

Dementia Tech: One Memory At A Time

Dementia tech

How Technology Can Effect Dementia Technology is a powerful thing. It has the power to connect, transform, and make life a little more comfortable. Technology is also being used to help those suffering from dementia or other related cognitive impairments—one memory at a time. Futuristic VR Can Take People Back In Time Recently, virtual reality, […]

Seniors and the Flu

Seniors Sneazing Tissue Blow Nose

How the Flu Impacts Seniors The flu is categorized as an infectious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. The flu is not one singular virus, but actually dozens and dozens of ever-changing viruses that can evolve to become stronger, more difficult to treat viruses. It’s estimated that as high as 85% of people […]