Effectively Downsizing

Deciding to move out of your home and into a senior living community can be a difficult decision. Not only do you have to look for a new place to move, but you then have to decide what to do with all the stuff you’ve amassed over the years. Downsizing doesn’t have to be difficult.

What do you get rid of? What do you keep? Do you sell it, donate it, or give it to your children? How do you move the stuff you’re going to keep? These questions can put a lot of stress on an already stressful time. Thankfully, we have tips to help you get through it a little easier and take some of the stress off moving and downsizing.

What do I keep?

Obviously, there are things you should never get rid of. Things like: family photos, heirlooms, and those things that especially hold a place in your heart. If you don’t bring them with you into your new senior living community, make sure they find a home with family members, so they can be cherished.

One of the best ways to decide what you should keep and what you should get rid of is with a simple yes or no pile. Do not, however, do a maybe pile. Chances are your maybe pile will be bigger than both the yes or no pile. So, stick with just the two options. Ask yourself these questions: Do I need this? Is this vital? Is this important? Do I have space in my new senior living community? If the answer is no or anything even close to no, get rid of it. If the answer is yes, then keep it.

Limit yourself to doing this one room at a time. This will lessen the burden, time spent, and overwhelming quantity of decision-making you have to do in a day. When you’re done with one room, move on to the next. If you’d like, once you finished with all your stuff, do it again with the yes pile, just to make sure you didn’t make any brash decisions.

Should I sell it or donate it?

The answer, of course, is up to you. However, consider this: If the item is worth little, or even of mediocre value, is it worth the time and energy to go through the process of selling it? Another good point, if it’s not worth very much, wouldn’t it be better to those that may need it? Again, it’s your decision what you do with your stuff. But, in a time that’s already stressful, adding the stress of trying to sell something may not make things easier. Plus, donating items may make you feel good inside, which is always a welcomed feeling.

Of course, if the item is worth a lot you’ll probably want to sell it. But, you can also gift it to one of your children or grandchildren if you have them. When it comes to the things that you don’t want, it’s always good to ask your family members if they want something. You’d be surprised the things that family members hold dear that you never considered. A simple trinket may not mean all that much to you, but to your grandchild, it may have been something near and dear to them. It never hurts to ask, plus it gets rid of some of the stuff you don’t want, which, in the end, is the point of downsizing.

While you’re going through your things, give yourself some time to reminisce. This can bring warm feelings to you, which will calm you. However, don’t reminisce yourself into keeping something that you know you should get rid of.

How will I move all this stuff?

This can be a difficult question, and the answer depends on a couple of factors. Firstly, if you have willing and able family members, it may be best financially to ask them first. Set a date, or multiple dates, and invite them to help and you can treat them to their favorite lunch that you make. Make sure to have drinks and snacks to make them more comfortable and show your appreciation for their help. Use the moving as a chance to bond a little with family members.

If you don’t have any family that can help, then consider hiring movers. Movers, while often spendy, do all the moving for you. You simply box and bag everything up and they’ll move it all from point A to point B for you. It’s quite a nifty service if you can afford it.


Moving can be a stressful and large task, but with the right steps, mindset, and help, chances are you’ll do just fine. Plus, when you move into a senior living community, like Bonaventure Senior Living, you’ll be having so much fun, you’ll forget all about the stress of moving and downsizing.

Bonaventure Senior Living

At Bonaventure Senior Living, we have Retirement PerfectedLiving PerfectedDining Perfected, and Fitness Perfected.  The best way to see for yourself is to Book-A-Tour today and discover how you can live life on your own terms. We specialize in Independent LivingAssisted Living, and Memory Care, that way, no matter what your current situation is, we have all levels of care covered if your needs ever change.

Independent Living

With Independent Living, we want you to enjoy Simplified Living, allowing you to have the freedom to do what makes you happy. Our Independent Living is designed to accommodate the exceptional senior lifestyle that you’ve earned. What’s even better, is that with Independent Living we offer whatever supportive services that you may need at any time you may need them. Now that’s Retirement Perfected.

Assisted Living

Assisted Living at Bonaventure Senior Living is simple: all the lifestyle benefits of our Independent Living, but with any extra support that you may need. Our philosophy is based on three simple things: choice, independence, and dignity. Now that’s Assisted Living at its finest.

Memory Care

Every senior is a unique person, and our Memory Care approach is no different. We tailor our Memory Care by connecting with family members and taking time to understand each person’s specific circumstances. This includes mental, emotional, and physical health. Our Memory Care creates an honorable and professional plan to make sure that each person lives their life to the fullest. That’s the way Memory Care should be.
