Healthy Money Habits For Seniors

Everyone likes to save money when they can. But it becomes even more important to save money in your senior years. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your retirement, not stress about finances. Sometimes that can mean being frugal in certain areas of your finances so that you can splurge a little […]
2019 Bonaventure Senior Gift Guide

Buying a gift for your loved one can be a difficult process. Figuring out what they want, if it’s available, and if it’s affordable can be enough to drive you mad during the holiday season. Then do that for everyone on your Christmas list and it’s enough to induce a sense of panic that can […]
Shop Smarter and Save Money

Being frugal, especially in your senior years, has a lot of benefits, and can save you money. It allows you to spend your money over a longer time frame. Retirement allows you to do more of the things that you want to do, but without a steady income, it could mean a dwindling bank account. […]
What Makes a Good Retirement?

It’s here! Your retirement. You have worked your whole life and now you’re ready for some relaxation, fun, and spending time with family and friends. But, it’s a lot to take in. What makes a good retirement? We have the answer for you! Facts Let’s begin with some facts: Did you know that nearly one-third […]
How to Avoid Scams

While it may seem unbelievable to some, there are many seniors out there that become the victim of scammers. Some have even been taken for thousands of dollars. In total, research has shown that about $36 billion are scammed from seniors each year. Scammers are very good at what they do, and they use senior’s […]
The 2018 Bonaventure Gift Guide

Buying a gift for your loved one can be a difficult process. Figuring out what they want, if it’s available, and if it’s affordable can be enough to drive you mad during the holiday season. Then do that for everyone on your Christmas list and it’s enough to induce a sense of panic that can […]
When is it Time to Give Up the Keys?

Time to Give Up the Keys? Driving gives a sense of freedom. It allows you to go wherever you want without having to worry about how you’ll get there. Unfortunately, as we age our senses can diminish, making driving rather unsafe. So when is it time to stop driving? Unusual Driving Indicators When you drive […]
7 Products to Make the Lives of Seniors Easier

Making Senior Life Easier It’s common knowledge that as we get older things can become harder to accomplish. While not always the case, most seniors find that what used to be a simple task, now lends a little more effort. Some things can even be a downright struggle. Finding solutions to make the everyday tasks […]
6 Ways Seniors Can Save Money

Tips to Save Money for Seniors Everyone likes to save money when they can. But it becomes even more important to save money in your senior years. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your retirement, not stress about finances. Sometimes that can mean being frugal in certain areas of your finances so […]
4 Myths About Senior Living

So, you’re thinking it’s time to move out of your house and into a senior living community? Of course, you’re probably feeling a bit nervous from this thought, and that’s okay. Chances are, your fears and hesitations stem from an earlier concept of what senior living was like years ago. The way things used to […]
Senior Loneliness: A Serious Problem

43% of Seniors Have Felt Lonely A staggering 43 percent of seniors have reported feeling lonely on a frequent basis. Surprisingly, loneliness is not only a condition that is felt mentally, it can also affect the physical health of an individual. Having feelings of loneliness does not necessarily mean that one is alone. In fact, […]
Dementia: The Silent Disease

Worldwide Dementia Affects Around 50 Million People Worldwide dementia affects around 50 million people, with nearly 10 million new cases every year. Of the varying types of dementia, 70% of people have Alzheimer’s disease. Compare this with HIV/AIDS, which affects around 35 million people. It is an epidemic of global proportions. What is Dementia? In […]
The Beginner’s Guide to Senior Living
Understanding Senior Living With all the different types of senior living communities out there, as well as the different types of living and care options, we understand that it can be inordinate task to navigate your way to retirement and relaxation. At Bonaventure Senior Living, we provide choice, dignity, and peace of mind. We want things […]
7 Ways To Conserve Money In Your Senior Years

Helping Seniors Save Being frugal, especially in your senior years, has a lot of benefits. It allows you to spend your money over a longer time-frame. Retirement allows you to do more of the things that you want to do, but without a steady income, it could mean a dwindling bank account. Being frugal doesn’t […]
7 Ideas to Make Your Life Better

Better Life for Seniors There’s something inspiring about a person who is always looking for ways to improve the quality and meaningfulness of their life. Just because you’re now in your senior years, doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. In fact, those in a senior living community tend to have more time and opportunities […]
5 Reasons Technology is Great For Seniors

When it comes to seniors and technology, there tends to be quite a few stereotypes. The main one is how seniors don’t use, or don’t want to use, technology because it’s too confusing. This day and age, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Seniors are using technology, like smart phones, tablets, e-readers, computers, and […]
Why Family Traditions Are Important

Traditions. They can be a beautiful thing. Families are kept strong and meaning is given to everyday life. They give a sense of inclusion between people, and more notably, family members. Tradition is a word that’s thrown around a lot, but what is it? Susan Lieberman, author, once said, “Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. […]
2017 Bonaventure Senior Gift-Buying Guide

Buying a gift for your loved one can be a difficult process. Figuring out what they want, if it’s available, and if it’s affordable can be enough to drive you mad during the holiday season. Then do that for everyone on your Christmas list and it’s enough to induce a sense of panic that can […]
Retirement Planning: Affordability on Your Terms

At Bonaventure Senior Living, Retirement Perfected™ is our hallmark and our promise. Our residents and families are the first priority, and we believe that affordability is important for anyone thinking about retirement living. Bonaventure knows your “home” is more than just four walls: it represents comfort, serenity and especially security. We want you to feel secure in […]
Retirement Planning: Managing Finances and Retiring on a Budget at Bonaventure Senior Living

Smart Budgeting for Seniors Every stage of our lives requires smart budgeting, based on several important factors such as income, housing, food, clothing, transportation costs, dependents, utilities, healthcare, etc. Though we need budgets at every stage of our lives, seniors have a new set of considerations. As we age, our healthcare costs climb significantly, and […]