The Downsides to Living Alone

The Downsides to Living Alone

More and more seniors are choosing to live in senior living communities. Why? Because living alone in your senior years can be a daunting thing, for not only your physical health and social health, but also for your mental health. Health Risks of Living Alone One of the biggest risks of living alone is falling. […]

The Power of Blueberries

The Power of Blueberries

You may be unaware of the fact that July is National Blueberry Month. These small little berries can pack a nutritional punch unlike any other berry out there. Blueberries are a healthy alternative snack for everyone, but seniors will find lots of benefits from eating them. Brief History This wonderful celebration of this powerhouse of […]

Seniors and Alcohol

Seniors and Alcohol

A lot of people have a drink of alcohol every now and then. It’s a social thing. There’s a party, someone’s passing out glasses of wine, or cocktails, why not have one, or two, or three? As we age, alcohol can affect us in more ways than we think. Not only are its effects stronger, […]

National Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Many people don’t realize the importance of mental health. Lots of people discuss the benefits of diet and exercise, which can affect mental health to some degree, but are mainly focused on physical health. The health of the mind, mental health, is often overlooked. This is unfortunate because […]

Senior Insomnia

Senior Insomnia

It’s completely normal for people to occasionally experience a restless night. What’s not normal is the regularity of tossing and turning, resulting in a sleepless night. Sleep is an essential aspect of health. It is just as important to your body as food, water, and air. Sleeping restores our health, gives us energy, and allows […]

Stress and Alzheimer’s Disease

Stress and Alzheimers Disease

At any given moment in the world, researchers are trying to figure out causes, as well as prevention, for Alzheimer’s disease. With each passing moment new research is released that can help shed light onto what causes this disease that affects over five million people worldwide, and possible ways to prevent it. Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s […]

3 Ways to Combat Dementia Everyday

3 Ways to Combat Dementia Everyday

Dementia affects more than 50 million people worldwide with 10 million new cases every year. These are just the numbers of people that have been officially diagnosed, so the number may even be higher. Dementia is a not a specific disease, however, but rather it’s an overall term that describes a group of diseases that […]

The Burden of Family Caregivers

The Burden of Family Caregivers

When a senior family member lives at home and has either fallen ill, or developed a cognitive impairment, like dementia, it often falls on the family of that person to help take care of them. This, unfortunately, can be a heavy burden to bear for family caregivers. Family caregivers, according to a recent study, can spend […]

Breathe Deep for your Health

Breathe Deep for your Health

Respiratory health is an important thing at any age. However, when it comes to seniors, being able to breathe can sometimes be a struggle, as aging lungs and other factors can make the simple process of taking a breath more difficult. There are many reasons why lungs can begin to wane as we age. If […]

Why Seniors Should Get a Flu Shot

Why Seniors Should Get a Flu Shot

It’s that time of year again: flu season. Being prepared by getting a flu shot is very important for seniors. In fact, between 50 and 70% of all hospitalizations and between 70 and 85% of all flu-related deaths happen in people that are 65 or older. A flu shot can greatly decrease your chance of […]

Dance Your Way to Better Health

Dance Your Way to Better Health

Dancing is an amazing way to spend some time having fun. But, did you know that there are also a lot of health benefits linked with dancing that could benefit seniors? Those that participate in dance are doing more than just swaying to the beat, they may actually be prolonging their lives, as well. Benefits […]

Senior Isolation

Senior Isolation

Did you know that more than 40% of those age 65 or older have reported feeling alone on a regular basis? Senior isolation is a condition that can affect senior’s mental and physical health. It can lead to serious issues. What’s more, this condition can easily be avoided or remedied. What is it? Senior isolation […]

The Benefits of Reading

The Benefits of Reading

A staggering 67% of those aged 65 or older have read a book of some variety in the last 12 months, according to research from the Pew Research Center. Reading is not only a great way to pass the time, it can also greatly benefit senior’s mental and cognitive abilities. Longer Life If you love reading, you’ll […]

Unique Ways Senior Can Exercise This Winter

Unique Ways Senior Can Exercise This Winter

The winter months are generally a great time to spend indoors, enjoying the company of family and friends and indulging in large amounts of food. A lot of people tend not to exercise as much during the winter months because of the weather and their busy holiday schedules. There are many reasons for seniors to […]

Dementia and Art Therapy

Dementia and Art Therapy

Worldwide, over 50 million people have dementia. That number is projected to increase by 10 million every year. Those with dementia or other cognitive impairments greatly benefit from various forms of creative therapy. One of the most common, and beneficial, is art therapy. Art therapy offers those with dementia a sense of self-expression, accomplishment, and […]

National Diabetes Awareness Month

National Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM). Over 100 million Americans are living with diabetes or prediabetes. 25% of those age 65 or older have diabetes, the largest number of those living with diabetes based on age groups. What is NDAM? NDAM is a month-long campaign to bring awareness to the three main types of […]

National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. If you didn’t know already, Alzheimer’s Disease is something that is close to our hearts at Bonaventure Senior Living. We have a lot of residents with the disease that live in our memory care communities. We’re proud supporters of numerous organizations that fight hard through donations and research […]

Arthritis 101

Hands on Coffee Mug

Arthritis is a term that is commonly used to describe over 100 different types of joint disorders. More than 20% of people have some form of the disorder. While anyone can be affected by some type or arthritis, it is more typical for seniors to be diagnosed with the disorder. What is Arthritis? Defining arthritis […]

3 Heart Healthy Foods for Seniors

3 Heart Healthy Foods for Seniors

Heart Healthy Foods The chance of having heart issues increases the older we get, so it becomes even more important to make sure that the foods we eat are doing positive things for our heart. Healthy dietary choices are quite simple to make. Below you’ll find three delicious foods to include in your diet that […]

4 Ways the Future of Alzheimer’s Looks Promising

4 Ways the Future of Alzheimer’s Looks Promising

Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that affects brain cell connections and the cells themselves. The condition typically starts slowly and will worsen as time passes. The brain cells and the connections will begin to degenerate and die, leading to the destruction of mental functions and memory. This loss can cause extreme confusion, agitation, […]

What Your Hair Says About Your Health


Your Hair Says A Lot Your hair says a lot about you. The way you style it, how long or how short, its color, and more. But did you know that it may be giving you clues about your health? It’s true! The condition of your hair may be a good indicator of something troublesome […]

When is it Time to Give Up the Keys?

Time to Give Up the Keys

Time to Give Up the Keys? Driving gives a sense of freedom. It allows you to go wherever you want without having to worry about how you’ll get there. Unfortunately, as we age our senses can diminish, making driving rather unsafe. So when is it time to stop driving? Unusual Driving Indicators When you drive […]

Why People With Dementia Need Fitness

Why People With Dementia Need Fitness

Reduce the Effects of Dementia Worldwide, roughly 50 million people have dementia. 60-70% of cases are Alzheimer’s disease. Every year another 9.9 million cases are added to this total worldwide. With such staggering numbers, finding a cure or treatment has become paramount for researchers. Each year more and more information is being released about how […]

5 Unique Ways to Exercise

5 Unique Ways to Exercise

Staying Fit in Your Senior Years Is Essential Staying fit in your senior years is essential to having a healthy, active lifestyle. Adding fitness into your daily life has never been easier. Below you’ll find a list of a few different ways to have a lot of fun while sneaking some exercise in. Dancing Lessons […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System The immune system is an amazing thing. It single-handedly protects you from foreign germ invaders that make you sick. But, is there a way to boost your immune system to make it stronger and better apt to protecting you? A simple answer: yes. But, it may be more complex than that. […]

5 Ways to Prevent Falls

5 way to prevent falls

Falling Can Become A Catalyst To Some Serious Problems Falling may not seem like a very important topic, but in older adults it can disastrous to the health of the individual. Because older adults are at a higher risk for infection, bone problems, and more, falling can become a catalyst to some serious problems. The […]