Dance Your Way to Better Health

Dancing is an amazing way to spend some time having fun. But, did you know that there are also a lot of health benefits linked with dancing that could benefit seniors? Those that participate in dance are doing more than just swaying to the beat, they may actually be prolonging their lives, as well.

Benefits of Cutting a Rug

One of the most beneficial outcomes of spending time dancing are the physical aspects. In order to dance, you have to move, be it your arms, legs, midsection, or everything at the same time. This can actually help increase senior’s strength. It can also significantly help improve and maintain balance. In essence, dancing is a form of exercise that can get and keep seniors in their top physical form.

Research has shown time and time again that seniors that participate in dance felt less depressed and experienced reduced levels of anxiety, insomnia, and stress. This research is especially relevant when dancing with a partner. The type of dance style, be it salsa, tango, slow-dance, etc., didn’t change much of the results of any research. However, the more interactive the dance, the better the results.

A 21-year study concluded that dancing is one of the best ways to stave off dementia. Yes, better than puzzles or reading, which are known to be of high value in the fight against dementia prevention. The study noted that seniors that took to the dance floor had a 76 percent reduced risk for developing dementia. The experts noted that it reduces the risk because of the combination of physical exertion and the brain having to make split-second decisions. The decisions, like staying on rhythm and deciding which dance move is next, forces the brain to create new neural pathways, which are diminished in those with dementia.

If a senior already has a condition, like asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, etc. dancing has been shown to not be taxing on the condition (speak with your doctor first, of course). In fact, some professional therapists consider dancing to be a form of therapy for those with debilitating conditions, with minimal risks.

What Kind of Dance is Right for Seniors?

Simply put, all dance is beneficial for seniors, given the individual’s health condition. If you are fit enough to break dance and your doctor approves it, give it a try. But, for most seniors, sticking with the classics is sufficient enough to reap the benefits of dancing.

Ballroom dancing is a great dance for seniors. There are a lot of places that offer ballroom dancing lessons, some of which even cater to those in wheelchairs or with walkers. This type of dancing combines fluid movements with mental processing. You don’t even need a partner, although having one is more fun.

Line dancing is great for those looking for an easy, western-type dance. Line dancing brings in another avenue of dementia reduction for seniors: socialization. While most dance is social in some respect, line dancing is all about group participation, synchronization, and fun. This type of dance is also great for seniors because it’s fairly simple and easy to execute.

Seniors looking for something a little different can look into tap dance. This type of dance is a great workout for the legs and cardiovascular system. Usually, tap dancing is a dance performed alone, or rather, without a partner. It’s been shown to be great for improving balance, quickness of movement, and strength.

Seniors that want something non-traditional need to look no further than belly dancing. Yes, that’s right. Belly dancing. There’s a surprisingly large amount of seniors that have taken to the dance, generally female seniors, but there are styles for males, too. Belly dancing involves a lot of core muscles, which can strengthen the muscles around the hips. It’s also good for the knees.


We recommend that every senior head out onto the dance floor and cut a rug. Dance like no one’s watching. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a great way to improve your health.

At Bonaventure Senior Living communities, dancing is something residents love to do. If they’re not enjoying some dancing to live music during happy hour, they’re taking a dancing class for seniors. We believe that dancing is a great way to have fun and get a good workout. That’s why we make sure that each of our residents has ample opportunity to boot, scoot, and boogie to their heart’s desire.

Bonaventure Senior Living

At Bonaventure Senior Living, we have Retirement PerfectedLiving PerfectedDining Perfected, and Fitness Perfected.  The best way to see for yourself is to Book-A-Tour today and discover how you can live life on your own terms. We specialize in Independent LivingAssisted Living, and Memory Care, that way, no matter what your current situation is, we have all levels of care covered if your needs ever change.

Independent Living

With Independent Living, we want you to enjoy Simplified Living, allowing you to have the freedom to do what makes you happy. Our Independent Living is designed to accommodate the exceptional senior lifestyle that you’ve earned. What’s even better, is that with Independent Living we offer whatever supportive services that you may need at any time you may need them. Now that’s Retirement Perfected.

Assisted Living

Assisted Living at Bonaventure Senior Living is simple: all the lifestyle benefits of our Independent Living, but with any extra support that you may need. Our philosophy is based on three simple things: choice, independence, and dignity. Now that’s Assisted Living at its finest.

Memory Care

Every senior is a unique person, and our Memory Care approach is no different. We tailor our Memory Care by connecting with family members and taking time to understand each person’s specific circumstances. This includes mental, emotional, and physical health. Our Memory Care creates an honorable and professional plan to make sure that each person lives their life to the fullest. That’s the way Memory Care should be.
