5 Warning Signs of Dementia

5 Warning Signs of Dementia

Signs of Dementia Dementia is a grouping of symptoms that can occur in people aged 65 and older, although it does occur quite commonly in those younger than 65. But, for the most part, dementia primarily affects those in their senior years. Recognizing and understanding the signs and symptoms of dementia can allow for better […]

Why Seniors Should Care About Their Dental Health

Dental Health

Dental Care for Seniors is Important Did you know that the health of your mouth often affects the health of your entire body? In fact, dental and health professionals believe that a lot of health problems can be better managed by simply taking better care of your teeth and gums. Seniors are especially susceptible to […]

Senior Eye Care

Senior Eye Care

Senior Vision Care As you age, chances are your vision is going to change. Thankfully, this is normal. Although, even though normal eye changes happen, they’re still likely to be a nuisance. Taking good care of your eyes can allow for a better quality of life. Being able to read things, see things with detail, […]

Spring Volunteering: An Exercise for the Soul

Senior Volunteer Assisted Living Retirement Independent Memory Care

Volunteering Has So Many Benefits Can there be anything more selfless than volunteering? Now that the temperature is getting warmer and the sun is shining for longer, it’s the perfect time to consider volunteering. Volunteering can help provide a meaningful and rewarding experience for both the one doing the volunteering and the one receiving the […]

Diversify Your Fitness Routine

Fitness routine

NOTE: This is a guest article from Bonaventure Senior Living’s new Fitness Coordinator, Sherry Summerville. Sherry has been in the fitness industry since 1983. Sherry has been a force in the fitness industry for 25 years, presenting, coaching, and was also managing full fitness programs for Eastside Athletic clubs in the Portland Metro area. She […]

When Seasonal Allergies Attack

Allergies attack

Allergies and Seniors Anyone that suffers from allergies knows that the beauty of spring is often overshadowed by itchy, watery eyes, running or stuffy noses, congestion, and constant sneezing. While the symptoms of allergies may vary from person to person, one thing is clear: Seniors tend to suffer a little bit more than most. How […]

Walking: A Breath of Fresh Air

Fresh air

The Perks of Walking Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the sun is showing more and more of itself with each passing day. Yes, it’s true. Spring is in the air. This is one of the best times to take the opportunity to get outside, walk a little, and enjoy the fresh air. The […]

Dementia Tech: One Memory At A Time

Dementia tech

How Technology Can Effect Dementia Technology is a powerful thing. It has the power to connect, transform, and make life a little more comfortable. Technology is also being used to help those suffering from dementia or other related cognitive impairments—one memory at a time. Futuristic VR Can Take People Back In Time Recently, virtual reality, […]

Vitamin D: Nature’s Vitamin


Why do Seniors Need Vitamin D? With spring now in full swing, many people are getting outdoors more than they were in the winter months. With this, there will be an increase in the absorption of Vitamin D. How? We’ll get to that in a moment. Surprisingly, the “D” in Vitamin D doesn’t actually stand […]

Seniors and the Flu

Seniors Sneazing Tissue Blow Nose

How the Flu Impacts Seniors The flu is categorized as an infectious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. The flu is not one singular virus, but actually dozens and dozens of ever-changing viruses that can evolve to become stronger, more difficult to treat viruses. It’s estimated that as high as 85% of people […]

Sundowners Syndrome

Sundowners Syndrome

Help Understanding Sundowners Syndrome For most people, when the sun goes down, it’s a time of relaxation, rest, and solace. But, for some with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, when night comes, it can be quite different. In fact, it can be the harrowing experience known as Sundowners Syndrome. Sundowners Syndrome is defined as […]

Elderspeak: A Hurtful Way to Communicate

Senior discusss

Communication is one of the ways that set humans apart from mere animals. The way that we speak to another person, whether it is the words we choose, inflection, or tone, is vital in making sure that what we’re trying to convey is received and understood. Unfortunately, too often seniors get spoken to in a […]

Supplements: The Good, The Bad, and The Fish Oil

Senior Vitamins

Supplements for Seniors More and more seniors are taking supplements as a part of their daily dietary regiment. Of course, supplements can never replace the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet. One of the most important things to remember about supplements is this: talk to your doctor. Certain supplements could cause adverse side effects […]

Senior Loneliness: A Serious Problem

senior hand face

43% of Seniors Have Felt Lonely A staggering 43 percent of seniors have reported feeling lonely on a frequent basis. Surprisingly, loneliness is not only a condition that is felt mentally, it can also affect the physical health of an individual. Having feelings of loneliness does not necessarily mean that one is alone. In fact, […]

What is Senior Depression?


Senior Depression Around 15% of seniors age 65 or older suffer from depression. That’s roughly about 6.5 million seniors. Depression can affect anyone. Only 10% of seniors that have depression receive any sort of treatment for the condition. This is because a lot of people don’t fully understand what depression is and looks like. What […]

Senior Hydration: Why It’s Important

Seniors Drinking Water

Seniors Need Lots of Water Drinking water is one of the most important aspects to staying healthy, especially as seniors. But why is hydration so important? As we age, the water content in the body will decrease. In fact, water decreases by approximately 20% between the ages of 20 and 80. It can be different […]

Dementia: The Silent Disease

Senior woman with daught

Worldwide Dementia Affects Around 50 Million People Worldwide dementia affects around 50 million people, with nearly 10 million new cases every year. Of the varying types of dementia, 70% of people have Alzheimer’s disease. Compare this with HIV/AIDS, which affects around 35 million people. It is an epidemic of global proportions. What is Dementia? In […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Senior Living

Understanding Senior Living With all the different types of senior living communities out there, as well as the different types of living and care options, we understand that it can be inordinate task to navigate your way to retirement and relaxation. At Bonaventure Senior Living, we provide choice, dignity, and peace of mind. We want things […]

Dining at a Bonaventure Senior Living Community

When you or your loved one are searching for a senior living community, the last thing you want on your plate is, well, bad food. At Bonaventure senior living, we understand the importance of good, quality food that’s not only healthy, but also tastes really good. We also understand that having the freedom of choice when […]

The Different Types of Senior Living

Senior Group

Types of Senior Living When it comes time to choose a senior living community, there can be a lot of different types. To say nothing of different companies, the various kinds of senior living are designed to suit the needs that you have at any stage of your retirement. It can be an overwhelming experience. […]

7 Ideas to Make Your Life Better

Better Life for Seniors There’s something inspiring about a person who is always looking for ways to improve the quality and meaningfulness of their life. Just because you’re now in your senior years, doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. In fact, those in a senior living community tend to have more time and opportunities […]

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea

Do I have sleep apnea? According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, more than 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. With that number, 80 percent of the cases go undiagnosed. In seniors, 11.3% of adults age 61-100 have sleep apnea. That’s quite a large number, considering there are over 46 million adults over 60 in America. In assisted […]

The Healing Science of Music


Benefits of Listening to Music for Seniors Music. Often considered the language of the soul, or of the heart, or known as the language of love. However you classify it, music is powerful. It can evoke emotions on a very deep and personal level. It has the ability to ignite memories and fuel the spirit. […]

Seniors and Their Pets: Why Owning One is Good for You

OPL Res Pet

Can Owning a Pet be Good for Your Heath? Owning a pet can be one of life’s greatest rewards. This is certainly truer in your retirement, when you have more time to enjoy your pets. From slobbery kisses to purring cuddles, pets can be a wonderful companion and a welcomed addition to any individual or […]

5 Reasons Technology is Great For Seniors

Senior couple point Computer

When it comes to seniors and technology, there tends to be quite a few stereotypes. The main one is how seniors don’t use, or don’t want to use, technology because it’s too confusing. This day and age, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Seniors are using technology, like smart phones, tablets, e-readers, computers, and […]

Meditation: Mindfulness for Seniors

When meditation is thought of, often people think of a dimly lit room with flickering candles, excessive amounts of ornate pillows, smoke billowing up from incense, and someone sitting cross-legged and gently humming some sort of strange chant. According to Google, mindfulness, a form of meditation, is the quality of having a mental state achieved […]