What We’re Doing About COVID-19

Keeping our residents safe, healthy, and happy is always our number one goal. That’s why we would like to take a moment to discuss COVID-19 (coronavirus) and what we’re doing to help prevent the spread of the virus. Bonaventure Senior Living, and its communities in Oregon, Washington, and Colorado, have been committed to ensuring that […]
Being A Family Caregiver

When a senior family member lives at home and has either fallen ill, or developed a cognitive impairment, like dementia, it often falls on the family of that person to help take care of them. Often times, they’re called a family caregiver. This title, as loving as it may sound, unfortunately, it can be a […]
Memory Care: What You Should Know

If your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or any other form of cognitive brain disorder, they may need memory care, also known as Alzheimer’s care. At Bonaventure Senior Living, we understand that finding a good place for your loved one to live, while also having the peace of mind that they’re being cared for, is very […]
Healthy Teeth. Healthy Smile.

The health of your teeth can directly affect the health of the rest of your body. In fact, dental and health professionals believe that a lot of health problems can be better managed and prevented by simply taking better care of your teeth and gums. Problems relating to the mouth can affect seniors even more […]
S.A.D. and Seniors

Feeling a little out of sorts after the holiday season can be a normal thing. However, because the months tend to be darker, with less sunlight, you may also be experiencing something known as S.A.D., or seasonal affective disorder. S.A.D. is a real form of depression that typically begins in late fall and ends roughly […]

Seniors have a higher need for nutrient-rich foods, or superfoods, that have a lower salt content. Because of this lowered salt content, people think that it means that their food will have a blander flavor. With the addition of healthier herbs and spices, salt can be minimized to its lowest need, and your food can […]
Get Your Appetite Back

Not eating as much can be a great thing if you’re on a diet, but loss of appetite is a completely different story, especially for seniors. Seniors require an enhanced diet, rich with vitamins and minerals. This helps keep their bodies in a healthy state, along with exercise. However, when a senior loses their appetite, […]
When Seniors Should Quit Driving

Driving gives a sense of freedom. It allows you to go wherever you want without having to worry about how you’ll get there. Unfortunately, as we age our senses can diminish, making driving rather unsafe. So when is it time to stop driving? Unusual Driving Indicators When you drive you have to understand a huge […]
October is Healthy Lung Month

Taking care of your lungs is healthy any time of year. However, October is set aside specifically to bring awareness to the many different types of lung diseases and to promote healthy lungs. October is National Healthy Lung Awareness Month. Lung Health Respiratory health is an important thing at any age. However, when it comes […]
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every year over 250,000 women in the United States alone will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Essentially, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Every October, awareness is brought to the forefront and communities across the country unite to support those who will have, currently have, […]
Alzheimer’s Research

Alzheimer’s Research is constantly moving along. For those that don’t know, Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that affects brain cell connections and the cells themselves. The condition typically starts slowly and will worsen as time passes. The brain cells and the connections will begin to degenerate and die, leading to the destruction of […]
Why People With Dementia Need Fitness

Every year that goes by, more information is released about what can be done to prevent it dementia or treat it, as well as information on possible cures. One recent study has concluded that fitness can help reduce the symptoms of dementia. The study reported a 30% increase in mental ability over a one-year time […]
World Alzheimer’s Month

Every September, there’s an international campaign to raise awareness for, and challenge the stigma that surrounds, dementia. More specifically, Alzheimer’s disease. September is World Alzheimer’s Month. History of World Alzheimer’s Month World Alzheimer’s Month began back in 2012, in order to unite the globe under one cause. The awareness month brings together world leaders, people […]
Steps to Prevent Falling

Falling can detrimental to the health of the seniors, despite it not seeming like a big deal. Older adults are at higher risk for bone problems, infections, and more. Falling could actually become the cause to other more serious problems. Speaking With Your Healthcare Professional About Falling The first step that should be taken is […]
Healthy Drinking

In a world obsessed with food, beverages typically take a backseat. But seniors would be wise to make sure that their food diets aren’t being hindered by what they’re drinking. The Downsides of Sugary Drinking No matter if you call it soda or pop, these carbonated sugary beverages that have become increasingly popular in the […]
Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Your heart is the powerhouse of your body. As we age, the heart begins to weaken, limiting the blood supply to vital organs and zapping your energy. Besides doctor prescribed medication, there are ways to improve the health of your heart by simply changing a few things in your day-to-day life. Heart-Healthy Diet Eating healthy […]
Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

Being happy is easier said than done, right? But now, with new research, it’s even more imperative for seniors to be happy, as not being happy can negatively affect your health. How Happiness Affects Senior’s Health Researchers have found that those that reported their lives being very happy tended to live longer. In fact, 20% longer. The […]
The Power of Blueberries

You may be unaware of the fact that July is National Blueberry Month. These small little berries can pack a nutritional punch unlike any other berry out there. Blueberries are a healthy alternative snack for everyone, but seniors will find lots of benefits from eating them. Brief History This wonderful celebration of this powerhouse of […]
A New Type of Dementia Discovered

Toward the middle of April, doctors at the University of Kentucky Medical Center released a report about a new type of dementia they discovered, one that often gets mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease. What is it? This newly discovered type of dementia is known as LATE. It’s an acronym for limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy. The name […]
Seniors and Alcohol

A lot of people have a drink of alcohol every now and then. It’s a social thing. There’s a party, someone’s passing out glasses of wine, or cocktails, why not have one, or two, or three? As we age, alcohol can affect us in more ways than we think. Not only are its effects stronger, […]
National Mental Health Awareness Month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Many people don’t realize the importance of mental health. Lots of people discuss the benefits of diet and exercise, which can affect mental health to some degree, but are mainly focused on physical health. The health of the mind, mental health, is often overlooked. This is unfortunate because […]
Senior Insomnia

It’s completely normal for people to occasionally experience a restless night. What’s not normal is the regularity of tossing and turning, resulting in a sleepless night. Sleep is an essential aspect of health. It is just as important to your body as food, water, and air. Sleeping restores our health, gives us energy, and allows […]
3 Ways to Combat Dementia Everyday

Dementia affects more than 50 million people worldwide with 10 million new cases every year. These are just the numbers of people that have been officially diagnosed, so the number may even be higher. Dementia is a not a specific disease, however, but rather it’s an overall term that describes a group of diseases that […]
Breathe Deep for your Health

Respiratory health is an important thing at any age. However, when it comes to seniors, being able to breathe can sometimes be a struggle, as aging lungs and other factors can make the simple process of taking a breath more difficult. There are many reasons why lungs can begin to wane as we age. If […]
Why Seniors Should Get a Flu Shot

It’s that time of year again: flu season. Being prepared by getting a flu shot is very important for seniors. In fact, between 50 and 70% of all hospitalizations and between 70 and 85% of all flu-related deaths happen in people that are 65 or older. A flu shot can greatly decrease your chance of […]
Dance Your Way to Better Health

Dancing is an amazing way to spend some time having fun. But, did you know that there are also a lot of health benefits linked with dancing that could benefit seniors? Those that participate in dance are doing more than just swaying to the beat, they may actually be prolonging their lives, as well. Benefits […]