Seniors and the Flu

Seniors Sneazing Tissue Blow Nose

How the Flu Impacts Seniors The flu is categorized as an infectious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. The flu is not one singular virus, but actually dozens and dozens of ever-changing viruses that can evolve to become stronger, more difficult to treat viruses. It’s estimated that as high as 85% of people […]

4 Myths About Senior Living

4 myths about senior living

So, you’re thinking it’s time to move out of your house and into a senior living community? Of course, you’re probably feeling a bit nervous from this thought, and that’s okay. Chances are, your fears and hesitations stem from an earlier concept of what senior living was like years ago. The way things used to […]

Sundowners Syndrome

Sundowners Syndrome

Help Understanding Sundowners Syndrome For most people, when the sun goes down, it’s a time of relaxation, rest, and solace. But, for some with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, when night comes, it can be quite different. In fact, it can be the harrowing experience known as Sundowners Syndrome. Sundowners Syndrome is defined as […]

Elderspeak: A Hurtful Way to Communicate

Senior discusss

Communication is one of the ways that set humans apart from mere animals. The way that we speak to another person, whether it is the words we choose, inflection, or tone, is vital in making sure that what we’re trying to convey is received and understood. Unfortunately, too often seniors get spoken to in a […]

Supplements: The Good, The Bad, and The Fish Oil

Senior Vitamins

Supplements for Seniors More and more seniors are taking supplements as a part of their daily dietary regiment. Of course, supplements can never replace the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet. One of the most important things to remember about supplements is this: talk to your doctor. Certain supplements could cause adverse side effects […]

Senior Loneliness: A Serious Problem

senior hand face

43% of Seniors Have Felt Lonely A staggering 43 percent of seniors have reported feeling lonely on a frequent basis. Surprisingly, loneliness is not only a condition that is felt mentally, it can also affect the physical health of an individual. Having feelings of loneliness does not necessarily mean that one is alone. In fact, […]